Indian Optometry & Optician Director's Cut Brand Jade Jaxon Advocacy Mission Vision
Dec,, 2020,Business prospect in optical trade through digital platform in B2B segment in India
Posted by : Mukut Sarma
Wholesale business is always revolved around correct management of inventory & circulation of capital. Optical business is no exception to the same. The business demands huge capital investment in one hand but realization of profit is a big challenge because of multiple reasons. If you are a wholesale dealer of optical goods and deals in optical frames, sunglasses, lens, contact lens or optical accessories you must have navigated through facing multiple challenges to build your business. The covid crisis has altered the traditional way of carrying out wholesale optical business. I see the below changes happening in wholesale trade of optical business which is going to be a permanent feature in near future. Digitalization of B2B Optical trade: The whole world has witnessed the massive digitalization process in every business but strangely B2B market in optical trade has not received due attention from the industry. The opticians still prefer to buy product through traditional meth...